Day 4: 15 August: Aldudes to Col d’Intzondorre
I got started just before eight. Tasha started about 5 min before me and damn she was fast, I didn’t see her again that day.

Anika and I had some company during the first part, otherwise I walked most of day on my own.

Last part before coming to Roncevalles I followed a road in a forest, I had some shadow but so far the most borring part of the HRP, and it seemed to continue for ever.
My earlier plan was to stay in Roncevalles, a pilgrim village, or at least have some supper before continue. But when I didn’t manage to get any reservation, I desided not to even visit the village and instead I continued on the next day walk (Day 5 in the guide book).

I met a lot of Camino pilgrims heading towards Roncevalles during their pilgrimage to towards Compostella. I confused some as they thought I was walking the wrong way. After an hour of climbing I realised that I must have missed the campsite mentioned in the guide book. I sat down, as I understod there wouldn’t be any posibility to camp soon further on, so either have to turn back to find the campsite or continue the climb another hour or so. I do not like the idea of turning back.
I spoke with Christer on the phone, it gave me some energy. He is my best support. But the call drained my last bit of power in my phone, damit, not good at all. But I had a map of course.
Then I saw Anika coming up. It was great to met up with her and my mood changed to the better. We continued together, she convinced me that we should find a campsite further on. After some climbing we came up to Col d’Intzondorre, and around the emergency shelter we find a nice place for our tents.

A bit windy but with a wonderful view. It was rather late so we pitch our tents and made dinner before going to bed.