Day 5: 16 August: Col d’Intzondorre to Ergurgui
The night was very windy and I went up as soon as it was light and took down my tent. Anika had already taken down hers. We could pack our bags and make breakfast in the shelter. We decided to walk together for the day, we had nice and relaxed walk. Anika try to navigate with the map instead of the navigation app, which is much easier. It was more challenging and I enjoyed it very much and I need the training as well. We did quite well, just a few mistakes.

At a stream we took a lunch break with some foot bath. We hadn’t met anyone the whole day and suddenly first a women from US came by, she planed to walk the HRP in 28 days, doable but I find it a bit insane. Than three Dutch hikers also passed us, they just stoped shortly for a quick chat and then they continued.

We walked for a while with the US women, she was realy an ultra light backpacker with a lot of long distance hike experiences. She was very efficient in her way to walk, only made very quick breaks, she was even eating lunch while walking, dehydrating it during break while filtering water and taking a foot bath.

At the end of the day section at the old Refuge Ergurgui we met the Dutch team again, we decided to camp there as well and sad good buy to the US women it was to early for her to set camp. We had a great evening with the Dutches, a couple (shame on me, I do not remember their names) were hiking with a guy, Eli, they had met on the trail. All of them were also following the HRP. Lesley and Kieth also joined us after a while.

It started to get dark and we all went to bed. As soon as I was in my sleeping bag it started to rain heavily and there was also some heavt wind and tunder, happy we where down in the valley and not at the campsite last night.
Sleeped quite well after the tunder passed away.